Online-Vortragsreihe »Radar in Aktion« / 16. März 2021, 14.00-14.30
Ballast Condition Assessment in modern railways using RADAR
Sprache: Englisch

Sprache: Englisch
Ground penetrating radar (GPR) system has become an attractive non-destructive inspection method for railway track monitoring and maintenance. In generally, this inspection is still mostly performed by visual observation and using cores in specific locations with both methods having clear limitations. In this research, we are evaluating novel processing algorithms for Railway track inspection based on a full-polarimetric high-resolution GPR system build at the FHR. On the other hand, simulation models are being refined to make them more reliable and accurate for training machine learning algorithms for an automatic track inspection.
Thoetphan Kingsuwannaphong, M.Sc. (RWTH Aachen)
Stefan Rümmler, M.Sc.
The participation in the event is free of charge.
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