Publikationen 2012

Alle Publikationen 2012

Publication Type
2012 UTD computation for NURBS surfaces
Balasubramanian, M.; Toccafondi, A.; Maci, S.
Conference Paper
2012 ISAR imaging of ground moving vehicles using large instantaneous bandwidth
Berens, Patrick
Conference Paper
2012 Efficient analysis of printed structures of arbitrary shape on coated cylinders via spatial-domain mixed-potential Green's function
Bertuch, T.; Vipiana, F.; Vecchi, G.
Journal Article
2012 EOSAR, a SAR-scene simulator based upon real target and background signatures
Bokaderov, S.; Maresch, A.; Schimpf, H.; Essen, H.; Wellig, P.
Conference Paper
2012 Representation of stationary vehicles in ultra-high resolution SAR and turntable ISAR images
Brenner, A.R.; Essen, H.; Stilla, U.
Conference Paper
2012 Ultra-high resolution airborne SAR imaging of vegetation and man-made objects based on 40% relative bandwidth in X-band
Brenner, A.R.
Conference Paper
2012 Signals and data fusion in a deployable multiband passive-active radar (DMPAR)
Brenner, T.; Weiss, G.; Klein, M.; Kuschel, H.
Conference Paper
2012 Multistatic isar autofocussing using image contrast optimization
Brisken, Stefan; Martorella, Marco; Mathy, Torsten; Wasserzier, Christoph; Giusti, Elisa
Conference Paper
2012 Dealing with target nulling and clutter inhomogeneities in STAP
Burger, Wolfram
Conference Paper
2012 Synthetic aperture radar for all weather penetrating UAV application (SARape) - project presentation
Caris, Michael; Stanko, Stephan; Essen, Helmut; Leuther, Arnulf; Tessmann, Axel; Weber, Rainer; Malanowski, Mateusz; Samczynski, Piotr; Kulpa, Krzysztof; Meszoly, Gyorgy; Topping, Christopher; Georgiou, George E.; Papanastasiou, Andreas C.; Guraly, Roland; Bilacz, Zoltan
Conference Paper
2012 Optimum SAR/GMTI processing and its application to the radar satellite RADARSAT-2 for traffic monitoring
Cerutti-Maori, D.; Sikaneta, I.; Gierull, C.H.
Journal Article
2012 Ship detection with spaceborne multi-channel SAR/GMTI radars
Cerutti-Maori, D.; Sikaneta, I.; Gierull, C.
Conference Paper
2012 A robust direct data domain approach for STAP
Cristallini, D.; Bürger, W.
Journal Article
2012 Exploiting robust direct data domain STAP for GMTI in very high resolution SAR
Cristallini, D.
Conference Paper
2012 Target DOA estimation based on robust deterministic STAP
Cristallini, D.
Conference Paper
2012 Autofocusing ISAR images via sparse representation
Ender, J.H.G.
Conference Paper
2012 High resolution W-band UAV-SAR
Essen, H.; Johannes, W.; Stanko, S.; Sommer, R.; Wahlen, A.; Wilcke, J.
Conference Paper
2012 Perimeter surveillance using a miniaturized millimetre-wave radar
Essen, H.; Johannes, W.; Stanko, S.
Conference Paper
2012 Joint French-German radar measurements for the determination of the refractive index in the maritime boundary layer
Essen, H.; Danklmayer, A.; Förster, J.; Behn, M.; Hurtaud, Y.; Fabbro, V.; Castanet, L.
Conference Paper
2012 Entdeckung von Sprengfallen mit UAV-getragenem Millimeterwellen-SAR zum Konvoischutz im Einsatzgebiet der Bundeswehr
Essen, H.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2012 Detection of IED wit UAV-borne millimeter-wave syntetic aperture radar for convoy protection in Bundeswehr areas of operation
Essen, H.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2012 Clutter from mountain terrain at 94 GHz
Essen, H.; Sieger, S.; Biegel, G.; Maresch, A.; Danklmayer, A.
Conference Paper
2012 A multimodal sensor system for runway debris detection
Essen, H.; Koch, W.; Hantscher, S.; Zimmermann, R.; Warok, P.; Schröder, M.; Schikora, M.; Luedtke, G.
Journal Article
2012 3-D millimetre wave scanner for luggage and parcels
Essen, H.; Zimmermann, R.; Hantscher, S.; Pohl, N.
Conference Paper
2012 Fusion of radar and optical images for person screening in security sensitive environments
Fatihi, N.; Hantscher, S.; Lang, S.; Essen, H.
Conference Paper
2012 Centerline slope-based approach for rotational motion estimation of ship targets for ISAR
Fontana, A.; Berens, P.
Conference Paper
2012 Processing of COBRA FMCW SAR data
Frioud, M.; Wahlen, A.; Essen, H.; Meier, E.
Conference Paper
2012 A strategy for landmine detection and recognition using simulated GPR responses
Gonzalez-Huici, M.
Conference Paper
2012 Multi-channel analysis of sea clutter for STAP applications
Gracheva, V.; Cerutti- Maori, D.
Conference Paper
2012 Stap performance of sea clutter suppression in dependency of the grazing angle and swell direction for high resolution bandwidth
Gracheva, V.; Cerutti-Maori, D.
Conference Paper
2012 Radar based full body screening of passengers with constant motion
Hantscher, S.; Schlenther, B.; Lang, S.; Hagelen, M.; Essen, H.; Tessmann, A.
Conference Paper
2012 Security pre-screening of moving persons using a rotating multichannel W-band radar
Hantscher, S.; Schlenther, B.; Hägelen, M.; Lang, S.; Essen, H.; Tessmann, A.; Hülsmann, A.; Leuther, A.; Schlechtweg, M.
Journal Article
2012 Retrieving convoy parameters from doppler
Klemm, R.
Conference Paper
2012 Recognition of convoys with array radar
Klemm, R.
Journal Article
2012 Antenna array geometry optimization for a passive coherent localisation system
Knott, P.; Kuschel, H.; O'Hagan, D.
Conference Paper
2012 SAR experiments using a conformal antenna array radar demonstrator
Knott, P.; Bertuch, T.; Wilden, H.; Peters, O.; Brenner, A.R.; Walterscheid, I.
Journal Article
2012 Compensation of static deformation and vibrations of antenna arrays
Knott, P.; Loecker, C.; Algermissen, S.; Sekora, R.
Conference Paper
2012 Ground target tracking with signal adaptive measurement error covariance matrix
Kohlleppel, R.
Conference Paper
2012 Ground moving target tracking with amplitude derived direction of arrival estimation accuracy information
Kohlleppel, R.
Conference Paper
2012 Early forest fire detection and verification using optical smoke, gas and microwave sensors
Krüll, W.; Tobera, R.; Willms, I.; Essen, H.; Wahl, N. von
Journal Article
2012 Optical 3D assisted CSAR for security screening at a constant passenger flow
Lang, S.A.; Hägelen, M.; Ender, J.H.G.; Hantscher, S.; Essen, H.
Conference Paper
2012 Diffraction by an isorefractive cone: Two-interval formulation and numerical evaluation
Liontas, C.A.; Chrissoulidis, D.P.
Conference Paper
2012 High resolution MEMPHIS SAR data processing and applications
Magnard, C.; Brehm, T.; Essen, H.; Meier, E.
Conference Paper
2012 First investigations on detection of stationary vehicles in airborne decimeter resolution SAR data by supervised learning
Maksymiuk, O.; Schmitt, M.; Brenner, A.R.; Stilla, U.
Conference Paper
2012 A multi-frequency hybrid passive radar concept for medium range air surveillance
O'Hagan, D.W.; Kuschel, H.; Ummenhofer, M.; Heckenbach, J.; Schell, J.
Journal Article
2012 A wideband antenna array for DVB-T based passive bistatic radar applications
O'Hagan, D.W.; Basavarajappa, V.; Knott, P.; Kuschel, H.; Ummenhofer, M.; Simeoni, M.
Conference Paper
2012 Passive Bistatic Radar (PBR) for harbour protection applications
O'Hagan, D.W.; Capria, A.; Petri, D.; Kubica, V.; Greco, M.; Berizzi, F.; Stove, A.G.
Conference Paper
2012 Land sea clutter from FM based passive bistatic radars
OHagan, D.; Malanowski, M.; Haugen, R.; Greco, M.; Plesk, R.; Stove, A.G.; Berhnard, A.
Conference Paper
2012 Radargrammetric DEM extraction over urban area using circular SAR imagery
Palm, S.; Oriot, H.M.; Cantalloube, H.M.
Journal Article
2012 Application of distributed compressed sensing for GMTI purposes
Prünte, L.
Conference Paper
2012 GMTI from multichannel SAR images using compressed sensing
Prünte, L.
Conference Paper
2012 Optimizing the factorisation parameters in the fast factorized backprojection algorithm
Ribalta, A.
Conference Paper
2012 Omega-K algorithm without the stop-and-go approximation for high resolution SAR image reconstruction
Ribalta, A.
Conference Paper
2012 Design of a SIW meander antenna for 60 GHz applications
Shoykhetbrod, A.; Nüßler, D.; Hommes, A.
Conference Paper
2012 SUMATRA - A UAV based miniaturized SAR System
Stanko, S.; Johannes, W.; Sommer, R.; Wahlen, A.; Schröder, M.; Caris, M.
Conference Paper
2012 Integration of a miniaturized millimetre wave SAR system in an universal Pod
Stanko, S.; Johannes, W.; Sommer, R.; Wahlen, A.
Conference Paper
2012 Crop data collection with an UWB-SAR system
Uschkerat, U.; Pisciottano, I.
Conference Paper
2012 Reformulation and combination of two fast integral equation solvers for planar 3D structures
Vaupel, T.
Conference Paper
2012 New features and applications for a Fast Planar-3D integral equation solver
Vaupel, T.
Conference Paper
2012 Radar imaging with very low grazing angles in a bistatic forward-looking configuration
Walterscheid, I.; Brenner, A.R.; Klare, L.
Conference Paper
2012 Bistatic radar imaging of an airfield in forward direction
Walterscheid, I.; Brenner, A.R.; Klare, J.
Conference Paper
2012 Focusing bistatic SAR Data in double sliding spotlight mode with TerraSAR-X and PAMIR based on azimuth chirp filtering
Wang, R.; Deng, Y.; Loffeld, O.; Nies, H.; Walterscheid, I.; Espeter, T.; Klare, J.; Ender, J.H.G.
Conference Paper
2012 SBR ray tracing on NURBS for electromagnetic scattering simulations
Weinmann, F.
Conference Paper
2012 Comparison of intersection algorithms for SBR ray tracing on NURBS
Weinmann, F.
Conference Paper
2012 Passive WLAN radar network using compressed sensing
Weiß, M.
Conference Paper
2012 Low-cost radar receiver for european space surveillance
Wilden, H.; Kirchner, C.; Peters, O.; Brenner, A.R.; Vera, J.; Hermoso, J.M.; Torres, J.; Sciotti, M.; Besso, P.
Conference Paper
2012 FHR contribution to the European space situational awareness (SSA) radar demonstrator programme
Wilden, H.; Kirchner, C.; Brenner, A.R.; Ender, J.H.G.
Conference Paper
2012 Analysis of twostep nulling of RF interference and ground clutter with PAMIR
Witter, M.
Conference Paper
2012 Fraunhofer-Institut für Hochfrequenzphysik und Radartechnik. Jahresbericht 2011
Annual Report
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