Publikationen 2020

Publikationen 2020

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Publication Type
2020 Avoiding jammers: A reinforcement learning approach
Ak, S.; Brüggenwirth, S.
Conference Paper
2020 Broadside Radiation Equalization Through Mode Coupling Balancing in Periodic Leaky-Wave Antennas
Al-Bassam, A.; Heberling, D.; Caloz, C.
Conference Paper
2020 Quad-Polarized Leaky-Wave Antennas for Communication and Polarimetry Applications
Al-Bassam, Amar; Heberling, Dirk; Caloz, Christophe
Conference Paper
2020 Grating Lobes Suppression of Patch Antenna Arrays Using Parasitic Monopoles
Alshrafi, W.; Heberling, D.
Conference Paper
2020 Grating Lobe Mitigation in Linear Phased Array Antennas Using Leaky-Mode of Bed of Nails
Alshrafi, W.; Heberling, D.
Conference Paper
2020 Grating Lobe Mitigation in Series-Fed Patch Periodic Leaky-Wave Antenna Using Parasitic Monopoles
Alshrafi, W.; Al-Bassam, A.; Heberling, D.
Journal Article
2020 Mechanical and Environmental Aspects of Antennas for a Novel Maritime Search and Rescue System
Badawy, T.; Kremring, A.; Nulwalla, D.; Bertuch, T.
Conference Paper
2020 Design and Evaluation of a Passive Frequency-Coded Reflector using W-Band FMCW Radar
Barowski, J.; Abbas, A.A.; El-Absi, M.; Piotrowsky, L.; Pohl, N.; Rolfes, I.; Solbach, K.
Conference Paper
2020 Multifunktionale kohärente Radarverbünde
Berens, Patrick; Stanko, Stephan
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2020 Multifunctional coherent radar networks
Berens, Patrick; Stanko, Stephan
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2020 Reflektorsystem in einem Radarzielsimulator zum Testen einer Funktionsfähigkeit eines Radarsensors und Verfahren zum Testen einer Funktionsfähigkeit eines Radarsensors
Bertuch, Thomas; Dallmann, Thomas; Badawy, Taher Abdalla Rashed Aly; Mende, Jens-Kristian
2020 A metamaterial-based cable mantle for shield current suppression in MRI systems
Betancourt, Diego; Stoja, Endri; Wilke, Robin Niklas; Philipp, Dennis; Jenne, Jürgen; Umathum, Reinhold; Konstandin, Simon; Bertuch, Thomas; Günther, Matthias
Conference Paper
2020 Virtual Multistatic Illumination by Exploitation of Multipath Propagation with Coherent MIMO Radar
Biallawons, Oliver; Ender, Joachim H.G.
Conference Paper
2020 Passive Radar DPCA Schemes with Adaptive Channel Calibration
Blasone, Giovanni Paolo; Colone, Fabiola; Lombardo, Pierfrancesco; Wojaczek, Philipp; Cristallini, Diego
Journal Article
2020 Vorrichtung zum Verarbeiten eines Signals eines Ortungssystems sowie Verfahren zum Simulieren und zum Orten eines Objekts
Bok, Dominik
2020 Concepts for reliable immission measurements in 5G massive MIMO base stations
Bornkessel, C.; Kopacz, T.; Schießl, S.; Heberling, D.; Hein, M.A.
Conference Paper
2020 Investigation of Integrated mmW-Downconverter VCOs in SiGe for Offset-PLL FMCW-Transceivers
Bredendiek, C.; Aufinger, K.; Pohl, N.
Conference Paper
2020 Schutz vor Schmutz im All
Brenner, Andreas
Journal Article
2020 Investigation of the radar parameter subspace for different beam-park simulations with the TIRA system
Budoni, M.; Carloni, C.; Cerutti-Maori, D.; Maouloud, I.O.; Rosebrock, J.; Flegel, S.; Lemmens, S.
Conference Paper
2020 Beamforming and tracking assessment with passive radar experimental data
Cao, T.-T.V.; Vu, T.; Byrne, M.; Dahal, N.; Berry, P.E.; Iji, A.B.; Gustainis, D.; Ummenhofer, M.; Kohler, M.
Conference Paper
2020 Kalman filters and batch filters for orbit determination with TIRA
Carloni, C.; Budoni, M.; Cerutti-Maori, D.; Koch, W.
Conference Paper
2020 A new potential field shape descriptor using continuous wavelet transforms
Cavalier, P.; O'Hagan, D.W.
Journal Article
2020 Millimeter-Wave MIMO Array Based on Semi-Circular Topology
Cetinkaya, H.; Kueppers, S.; Herschel, R.; Pohl, N.
Journal Article
2020 On the Influence of the Transformation Matrix in Compressed Spherical Near-Field Measurements
Culotta-Lopez, C.; Heberling, D.
Conference Paper
2020 Adaptive sampling for compressed spherical near-field measurements
Culotta-López, C.; Heberling, D.
Conference Paper
2020 Mutual Over-The-Air Synchronization of Radar Sensors
Dallmann, T.
Conference Paper
2020 Introduction to noise radar and its waveforms
De Palo, F.; Galati, G.; Pavan, G.; Wasserzier, C.; Savci, K.
Journal Article
2020 Airborne Passive Radar Detection for the APART-GAS Trial
Duk, V.; Wojaczek, P.; Rosenberg, L.; Cristallini, D.; O'Hagan, W.
Conference Paper
2020 Design of a Polarization Rotating SIW-based Reflector for Polarimetric Radar Application
Freialdenhoven, T.; Bertuch, T.; Stanko, S.; Nötel, D.; Vorst, D.; Dallmann, T.
Journal Article
2020 Continuous - Emission noise radar: Design criteria and waveforms
Galati, G.; Pavan, G.; Wasserzier, C.
Conference Paper
2020 Characterization of back-scattering and multipath in a suburban area after the calibration of an X-band commercial radar
Galati, G.; Pavan, G.; Wasserzier, C.
Journal Article
2020 Vehicle environment recognition for safe autonomous driving: Research focus on Solid-State LiDAR and RADAR
Galle, C.; Amelung, J.; Dallmann, T.; Brüggenwirth, S.
Conference Paper
2020 Spherical Test-Zone Field Measurements of a Compact Antenna Test Range
Gemmer, T.M.; Heberling, D.
Conference Paper
2020 Characterisation of a Fibre-Optic Active Probe for Compensation of the Test-Zone Field
Gemmer, T.M.; Mann, W.; Heberling, D.
Conference Paper
2020 Accurate and Efficient Computation of Antenna Measurements Via Spherical Wave Expansion
Gemmer, T.M.; Heberling, D.
Journal Article
2020 Online Dictionary Learning Techniques for Sea Clutter Suppression
Giovanneschi, Fabio; Rosenberg, Luke; Cristallini, Diego
Conference Paper
2020 Matrix pencil method for DoA estimation with interpolated arrays
Greiff, C.; Giovanneschi, F.; Gonzalez-Huici, M.A.
Conference Paper
2020 Unveiling and Dedication of IEEE Radar Historic Milestone
Griffiths, H.; Knott, P.; Koch, W.
Journal Article
2020 Polyhedral sampling structures for phaseless spherical near-field antenna measurements
Guth, A.; Culotta-López, C.; Maly, J.; Rauhut, H.; Heberling, D.
Conference Paper
2020 Three Dimensional ISAR Autofocus based on Sparsity Driven Motion Estimation
Hamad, A.; Ender, J.
Conference Paper
2020 Optically Transparent Antenna Integrated inside a Headlamp for Automotive Radar Application
Hamid, Sofian; Heberling, Dirk; Junghähnel, Manuela; Preußner, Thomas; Gretzki, Patrick; Pongratz, Ludwig; Hördemann, Christian; Gillner, Arnold
Conference Paper
2020 Active reflector tag for millimeter wave harmonic radar at 61/122 GHz ISM Band Based on 130 nm-BiCMOS SiGe:C Technology
Hansen, S.; Bredendiek, C.; Pohl, N.
Conference Paper
2020 Multi-Platform, Multi-Frequency SAR Campaign with the F-SAR and Miranda35 Sensors
Henke, Daniel; Mendez Dominguez, Elias; Fagir, Julian; Fritsche, Liv; Horn, Ralf; Scheiber, Rolf; Reigber, Andreas; Sieger, Stefan; Janssen, Daniel; Klöppel, Frank; Caris, Michael; Stanko, Stephan; Renker, Matthias; Wellig, Peter
Conference Paper
2020 Toward Mobile Integrated Electronic Systems at THz Frequencies
Hillger, P.; Delden, M. van; Thanthrige, U.S.M.; Ahmed, A.M.; Wittemeier, J.; Arzi, K.; Andree, M.; Sievert, B.; Prost, W.; Rennings, A.; Erni, D.; Musch, T.; Weimann, N.; Sezgin, A.; Pohl, N.; Pfeiffer, U.R.
Journal Article
2020 Response to the Letter by Fred Daum
Huizing, A.; Charlish, A.; Brüggenwirth, S.
Journal Article
2020 Effects of downscaling on radiation performance of impedance-matched ultrasmall antennas
Jantarachote, V.; Tontisirin, S.; Schraml, K.; Heberling, D.; Akkaraekthalin, P.; Chalermwisutkul, S.
Journal Article
2020 Millimeterwave Radar Systems for In-Line Thickness Monitoring in Pipe Extrusion Production Lines
Jebramcik, J.; Rolfes, I.; Pohl, N.; Barowski, J.
Journal Article
2020 94 GHz Radar used for Perimeter Surveillance with wide Target Clarification
Johannes, W.; Caris, M.; Stanko, S.
Conference Paper
2020 Verfahren zum Betrieb mehrerer FMCW-Radarsensoren in einem Radarnetzwerk oder multistatischem Radar sowie dafür ausgebildeter Radarsensor
Johannes, Winfried
2020 Comparison of Grating Lobe Suppression Using High Impedance Structure: EBG and BON in Phased Array Antenna
Khadiko, N.; Alshrafi, W.; Chalermwisutkul, S.; Heberling, D.
Conference Paper
2020 Statistical Analysis of Bistatic Rural Terrain Clutter
Kohler, M.; Duk, V.; Weiß, M.; Worms, J.; Schell, J.; O'Hagan, D.; Bringmann, O.
Conference Paper
2020 Statistical analysis of bistatic radar ground clutter for different german rural environments
Kohler, M.; O'Hagan, D.W.; Weiss, M.; Wegner, D.; Worms, J.; Bringmann, O.
Journal Article
2020 A multifunctional broadband receiver for bistatic X-band radar measurements
Kohler, M.; Duk, V.; Weiss, M.; Brodowski, W.; Worms, J.; O'Hagan, D.; Bringmann, O.
Conference Paper
2020 Empirical Calibration Coefficient Estimation in the Context of Multi-Functional RF Systems
Kohler, Michael; O'Hagan, Daniel; Worms, Josef; Bringmann, Oliver
Conference Paper
2020 Investigations on correct immission recording of pulsed signals with the SRM-3006 using 5G as example
Kopacz, T.; Bornkessel, C.; Schießl, S.; Heberling, D.
Conference Paper
2020 A Compact 24 × 24 Channel MIMO FMCW Radar System Using a Substrate Integrated Waveguide-Based Reference Distribution Backplane
Kueppers, S.; Cetinkaya, H.; Herschel, R.; Pohl, N.
Journal Article
2020 A Novel Simulation Model for Design of Frequency Steered Slotted Waveguide Antennas in SIW Technology for Accurate Far Field Synthesis
Kwiatkowski, P.; Orth, A.; Pohl, N.
Conference Paper
2020 Noise Radar Special Issue - Part 2
Lukin, K.; Stove, A.; Wasserzier, C.
Journal Article
2020 Noise Radar Special Issue - Part 1
Lukin, K.; Stove, A.; Wasserzier, C.
Journal Article
2020 Polarimetric Radar Technology for European Defence Superiority - the PolRad Project
Lupidi, Alberto; Greiff, Christian; Brüggenwirth, Stefan; Brandfass, Michael; Martorella, Marco
Conference Paper
2020 A method for synthesis of antenna array layouts or selection of waveform in a set of mutually incoherent apertures for radar and radio-frequency applications
Mateos-Nunez, David; Gonzalez Huici, Maria Antonia; Simoni, Renato; Correas Serrano, Aitor
2020 Amplitude and Phase Uncertainty Analysis due to Cable Flexing in Robot-Based Measurement Systems
Moch, R.; Gemmer, T.M.; Heberling, D.
Conference Paper
2020 Height Profiles of Typical Automotive Landmarks Using Tomographic Compact-Range Measurements
Moch, R.; Heberling, D.
Conference Paper
2020 Robot-Based Antenna and Radar Measurement System at the RWTH Aachen University
Moch, R.; Heberling, D.
Conference Paper
2020 Data Transfer and Communication in Radar Networks
Müller, P.; Weiß, M.; Sandenbergh, J.S.; O'Hagan, D.W.; Knott, P.
Conference Paper
2020 A Parameter-Controlled Rx Beamspace Transformation Design Method
Neuberger, N.; Vehmas, R.; Ender, J.H.G.
Conference Paper
2020 Radar Wave Based Positioning of Spatially Distributed MIMO Radar Antenna Systems for Near-Field Nondestructive Testing
Norrdine, A.; Cetinkaya, H.; Herschel, R.
Journal Article
2020 76GHz OFDM Radar Demonstrator with Real-Time Processing for Automotive Applications
Nuss, B.; Diewald, A.; Schoepfel, J.; Martini, D.; Pohl, N.; Zwick, T.
Conference Paper
2020 A Radar-Based Hand-Held Guidance Aid for the Visually Impaired
Orth, A.; Kwiatkowski, P.; Pohl, N.
Conference Paper
2020 Broadband mm-wave propagation characterization of planar groove gap waveguide
Oyedokun, T.; Geschke, R.H.; Stander, T.
Journal Article
2020 Complex Successive Concave Sparsity Approximation
Panhuber, R.; Prünte, L.
Conference Paper
2020 Step size determination for finding low-rank solutions via non-convex Bi-factored matrix factorization
Panhuber, Reinhard; Prünte, Ludger
Conference Paper
2020 Using FMCW Radar for Spatially Resolved Intra-Chirp Vibrometry in the Audio Range
Piotrowsky, L.; Siska, J.; Schweer, C.; Pohl, N.
Conference Paper
2020 Experimental results of polarimetric passive ISAR exploiting DVB-S2 illumination
Pisciottano, I.; Cristallini, D.; Pastina, D.; Santi, F.
Conference Paper
2020 Stable operation of cryogenic system at 2K during the RF or magnet power variations
Putselyk, S.
Conference Paper
2020 Thermal Acoustic Oscillations: Short Review and Countermeasures
Putselyk, S.
Conference Paper
2020 Application of sub-cooled superfluid helium for cavity cooling at linac-based free electron lasers, energy recovery and proton linacs
Putselyk, S.
Conference Paper
2020 A Fully Integrated SiGe Radar Sensor for Aerosol Flow Rate Measurements
Reinhardt, A.; Freiwald, L.; Jaeschke, T.; Pohl, N.; Höft, M.
Journal Article
2020 Extending the FOLKI-PIV Algorithm for the Coherent Coregistration of SAR Images
Ribalta, Angel
Conference Paper
2020 Transformer-Coupled D-Band PA with 11.8 dBm Psat and 6.3 % PAE in 0.13mm SiGe BiCMOS
Romstadt, J.; Lammert, V.; Pohl, N.; Issakov, V.
Conference Paper
2020 Detection in sea clutter using sparse signal separation
Rosenberg, L.; Duk, V.; Ng, B.W.-H.
Journal Article
2020 Practical detection using sparse signal separation
Rosenberg, L.; Duk, V.; Ng, B.
Conference Paper
2020 Vital Parameters Detection of Non Stationary Human Subject Using MIMO Radar
Rudrappa, Manjunath Thindlu; Herschel, Reinhold; Knott, Peter
Conference Paper
2020 SodSAR: A Tower-Based 1-10 GHz SAR System for Snow, Soil and Vegetation Studies
Ruiz, J.J.; Vehmas, R.; Lemmetyinen, J.; Uusitalo, J.; Lahtinen, J.; Lehtinen, K.; Kontu, A.; Rautiainen, K.; Tarvainen, R.; Pulliainen, J.; Praks, J.
Journal Article
2020 Noise radar - Overview and recent developments
Savci, K.; Stove, A.G.; Palo, F. De; Erdogan, A.Y.; Galati, G.; Lukin, K.A.; Lukin, S.; Marques, P.; Pavan, G.; Wasserzier, C.
Journal Article
2020 Interpretation of the Physical Layer Measurements of Smartphones as Measures of Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields
Schiesl, S.; Kopacz, T.; Heberling, D.
Conference Paper
2020 Concept and measurements for a smartphone-based immission monitoring system
Schießl, S.; Ta, T.; Kopacz, T.; Heberling, D.
Conference Paper
2020 Efficient Direct Signal Cancellation for FM-based Passive Radar
Schupbach, C.; Paine, S.; O'Hagan, D.
Conference Paper
2020 Measurement-based performance investigation of a hybrid MIMO-frequency scanning radar
Shoykhetbrod, A.; Cetinkaya, H.; Nowok, S.
Conference Paper
2020 The driving circuit of the waveguide RF Wien filter for the deuteron EDM precursor experiment at COSY
Slim, J.; Nass, A.; Rathmann, F.; Soltner, H.; Tagliente, G.; Heberling, D.
Journal Article
2020 Neural Networks & Machine Learning in Cognitive Radar
Smith, Graeme E.; Gurbuz, Sevgi Z.; Brüggenwirth, Stefan; John-Baptiste, Peter
Conference Paper
2020 Design and Characterization of a Metasurface Enhancement Plate for 3T MRI
Stoja, Endri; Konstandin, Simon; Wilke, Robin Niklas; Philipp, Dennis; Umathum, Reiner; Jenne, Jürgen; Betancourt, Diego; Bertuch, Thomas; Günther, Matthias
Conference Paper
2020 Numerical Investigation of a self-detuning Signal Enhancement Metasurface for 3T MRI
Stoja, Endri; Philipp, Dennis; Betancourt, Diego; Konstandin, Simon; Wilke, Robin Niklas; Umathum, Reinhold; Jenne, Jürgen; Bertuch, Thomas; Günther, Matthias
Conference Paper
2020 Real-Time Radar-Based Gesture Detection and Recognition Built in an Edge-Computing Platform
Sun, Y.; Fei, T.; Li, X.; Warnecke, A.; Warsitz, E.; Pohl, N.
Journal Article
2020 Multi-Feature Encoder for Radar-Based Gesture Recognition
Sun, Y.; Fei, T.; Li, X.; Warnecke, A.; Warsitz, E.; Pohl, N.
Conference Paper
2020 A Novel Antenna Concept for Weather Applications Based on a Cylindrical Parabolic Reflector
Turso, S.; Galvis-Salzburg, C.; Vizcarro, M.; Bertuch, T.
Conference Paper
2020 UAV micro-Doppler signature analysis using DVB-S based passive radar
Ummenhofer, M.; Lavau, L.C.; Cristallini, D.; O'Hagan, D.
Conference Paper
2020 Accuracy and Modeling Improvements for an Integral Equation Framework Applied to Thin Layer Microstrip and Substrate Integrated Waveguide (Siw) Structures
Vaupel, T.
Conference Paper
2020 A Highly-Efficient 120 GHz and 240 GHz Signal Source in a SiGe-Technology
Vogelsang, F.; Starke, D.; Wittemeier, J.; Rücker, H.; Pohl, N.
Conference Paper
2020 ATRIUM: Test Environment for Automotive Radars
Wald, Stefan; Mathy, Torsten; Nair, Sreejith; Moreno Leon, Carlos; Dallmann, Thomas
Conference Paper
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