Publikationen 2016

Alle Publikationen 2016

Publication Type
2016 Antennenanordnung mit planarer geschlitzter Patchantenne hoher Bandbreite
Amaldoss, Shenario
2016 Investigation of a mmWave-Radar-Based sensor for snow-suspension density measurements
Baer, C.; Jaeschke, T.; Fischer, J.-T.; Fromm, R.; Rauter, M.; Achleitner, S.; Pohl, N.
Journal Article
2016 Multipath clutter cancellation and tracking algorithms for passive radars
Baruzzi, A.; Schwark, C.; Bournaka, G.; Cristallini, D.; Kuschel, H.
Conference Paper
2016 Multi-sensor multi-target tracking based on range-Doppler measurements
Baruzzi, A.; Martorella, M.
Journal Article
2016 SAR image formation by backprojection of range velocity segments
Berens, Patrick
Conference Paper
2016 MIMO concept for the imaging radar of the radar warning and information system RAWIS
Biallawons, Oliver; Klare, Jens; Klenke, Robert; Panhuber, Reinhard
Conference Paper
2016 A frequency steerable Substrate-Integrated Waveguide slot antenna for 77 GHz radar application
Bobel, T.M.; Rabel, M.; Dallmann, T.; Heberling, D.
Conference Paper
2016 Anwendungszentrum für multimodale und luftgestützte Sensorik
Bongartz, J.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2016 A two stage beamforming approach for low complexity CFAR detection and localization for passive radar
Bournaka, Georgia; Heckenbach, Jörg; Baruzzi, Aurora; Cristallini, Diego; Kuschel, Heiner
Conference Paper
2016 Sorting of black plastics using statistical pattern recognition on terahertz frequency domain data
Brandt, Christian; Kieninger, Michael; Negara, Christian; Gruna, Robin; Längle, Thomas; Küter, A.; Nüßler, Dirk
Conference Paper
2016 Abteilung Array-gestützte Radarbildgebung
Brenner, A.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2016 GESTRA - Ein experimentelles Phased-Array-Radar für die Weltraumüberwachung
Brenner, A.
Conference Paper
2016 On spatial aspect decorrelation in SAR and ISAR
Brisken, S.; Tran, H.-T.
Conference Paper
2016 Design and implementation of a three-layer cognitive radar architecture
Bruggenwirth, S.
Conference Paper
2016 Kognitives Radar und Klassifizierung
Brüggenwirth, S.
Conference Paper
2016 Abteilung Kognitives Radar
Brüggenwirth, S.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2016 Ein kurzer Chip
Brüggenwirth, Stefan
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2016 Integration of frequency domain wideband antenna nulling and wavenumber domain image formation for multi-channel SAR
Bucciarelli, M.; Pastina, D.; Cristallini, D.; Sedehi, M.; Lombardo, P.
Journal Article
2016 Detection of mini-UAVs in the presence of strong topographic relief - A multisensor perspective
Böniger, U.; Ott, B.; Wellig, P.; Aulenbacher, U.; Klare, J.; Nussbaumer, T.; Leblebici, Y.
Conference Paper
2016 Knowledge aided STAP/GMTI with subarrayed AESA radar
Bürger, Wolfram; Perna, Ivana
Conference Paper
2016 Kleindrohnendetektion mit Millimeterwellen-Radar
Caris, M.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2016 Detection and tracking of micro aerial vehicles with millimeter wave radar
Caris, M.; Stanko, S.; Johannes, W.; Sieger, S.; Pohl, N.
Conference Paper
2016 Detektion und Verfolgung von Drohnen mit Radar
Caris, M.
Conference Paper
2016 Detection and tracking of micro aerial vehicles with millimeter wave radar
Caris, M.; Stanko, S.; Johannes, W.; Sieger, S.; Pohl, N.
Conference Paper
2016 Comparison of near and far field focusing patterns for two-dimensional sparse MIMO arrays
Cetinkaya, H.; Kueppers, S.; Herschel, R.; Pohl, N.
Conference Paper
2016 Compressed sensing applied to spherical near-field to far-field transformation
Cornelius, R.; Heberling, D.; Koep, N.; Behboodi, A.; Mathar, R.
Conference Paper
2016 Joint monostatic and bistatic STAP for improved SAR-GMTI capabilities
Cristallini, D.; Walterscheid, I.
Journal Article
2016 Sample selection strategy in DFT based compressive sensing
Dakovic, M.; Stankovic, I.; Ender, J.; Stankovic, L.
Conference Paper
2016 A small-angle approximation for bistatic polarimetry
Dallmann, T.; Röding, M.; Heberling, D.; Thomä, R.S.
Conference Paper
2016 Principal Component Analysis for polarimetric radar cross-section imaging
Dallmann, T.; Heberling, D.
Conference Paper
2016 Multifrequency RF-measurements and characterisation of propagation conditions in the maritime boundary layer
Danklmayer, A.; Förster, J.; Colditz, P.; Biegel, G.; Brehm, T.
Conference Paper
2016 Atmospheric effects for air- and spaceborne SAR revisited
Danklmayer, Andreas
Conference Paper
2016 North sea millimeterwave propagation experiment: The Sylt campaign
Dankmlayer, A.; Colditz, P.; Biegel, G.; Brehm, T.; Förster, J.
Conference Paper
2016 Calculating Arbitrarily Located Sampling Data From Quiet Zone Spherical Near-Field Scanning Measurements
Dirix, M.; Cornelius, R.; Heberling, D.
Journal Article
2016 Schlüsseltechnologie Radar - Das Fraunhofer Institut für Hochfrequenzphysik und Radartechnik FHR
Ender, J.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2016 Radar für Verteidigung und Sicherheit - aktuelle Forschung beim Fraunhofer FHR
Ender, J.
Conference Paper
2016 Concepts for 3D MIMO imaging of buildings
Ender, Joachim; Giovanneschi, Fabio; Fuhrmann, Lars
Conference Paper
2016 3D ISAR/SAR imaging using multichannel real data
Fontana, A.; Berens, P.; Stagliano, D.; Martorella, M.
Conference Paper
2016 3D InISAR target reconstruction using airborne PAMIR data
Fontana, Anna; Berens, Patrick; Stagliano, Daniele; Martorella, Marco
Conference Paper
2016 Compressive sensing and generalized likelihood ratio test in SAR tomography
Fornaro, G.; Pauciullo, A.; Reale, D.; Weiß, M.; Budillon, A.; Schirinzi, G.
Conference Paper
2016 Correction and evaluation of thermal infrared data acquired with two different airborne systems at the Elbe estuary
Fricke, K.; Baschek, B.; Jenal, A.; Kneer, C.; Weber, I.; Bongartz, J.; Wyrwa, J.; Schöl, A.
Conference Paper
2016 Radar and LiDAR sensorfusion in low visibility environments
Fritsche, P.; Kueppers, S.; Briese, G.; Wagner, B.
Conference Paper
2016 A 200 mm by 100 mm Smart Dust system with an average current consumption of 1.3 nA
Funke, D.A.; Mayr, P.; Straczek, L.; McCaskill, J.S.; Oehm, J.; Pohl, N.
Conference Paper
2016 Compact 3D imaging radar based on FMCW driven frequency-scanning antennas
Geibig, Thomas; Shoykhetbrod, Alex; Hommes, Alexander; Herschel, Reinhold; Pohl, Nils
Conference Paper
2016 Multichannel analysis and suppression of sea clutter for airborne microwave radar systems
Gracheva, V.; Ender, J.
Journal Article
2016 Modellierung des Wasserechos zur mehrkanaligen Signalverarbeitung bei maritimen Radarsystemen
Gracheva, Valeria
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2016 Multichannel analysis of medium grazing angle sea clutter for airborne microwave radar systems
Gracheva, Valeria
Doctoral Thesis
2016 Eigenvalue analysis of airborne multichannel sea data for ocean monitoring
Gracheva, Valeria; Ender, Joachim
Conference Paper
2016 How to Reach a Thousand-Second in-Plane Polarization Lifetime with 0.97 − GeV / c Deuterons in a Storage Ring
Guidoboni, G.
Journal Article
2016 Radar technology in hot rolling mills
Gütgemann, S.; Krebs, C.; Fischer, B.; Krauthäuser, H.; Nüßler, D.
Conference Paper
2016 A SiGe fractional-N frequency synthesizer for mm-wave wideband FMCW radar transceivers
Hasenaecker, G.; Delden, M. van; Jaeschke, T.; Pohl, N.; Aufinger, K.; Musch, T.
Journal Article
2016 Gas Flow Monitoring in High and Low Reynolds Regimes Based on Compensated FMCW-Radar Phase Measurements
Hattenhorst, B.; Baer, C.; Musch, T.; Jaeschke, T.; Pohl, N.
Journal Article
2016 Focused imaging by geometric optics for real-time passenger screening at sub-millimeter wave frequencies
Herschel, R.; Briese, G.; Lang, S.A.; Pohl, N.
Conference Paper
2016 MIMO based 3D imaging system at 360 GHz
Herschel, R.; Nowok, S.; Zimmermann, R.; Lang, S.A.; Pohl, N.
Conference Paper
2016 Focused imaging by geometric optics for real-time passenger screening at sub-millimeter wave frequencies
Herschel, R.; Briese, G.; Lang, S.A.; Pohl, N.
Conference Paper
2016 MIMO imaging for next generation passenger security systems
Herschel, Reinhold; Lang, Stefan A.; Pohl, Nils
Conference Paper
2016 Detection of acoustic, electro-optical and RADAR signatures of small unmanned aerial vehicles
Hommes, A.; Shoykhetbrod, A.; Noetel, D.; Stanko, S.; Laurenzis, M.; Hengy, S.; Christnacher, F.
Conference Paper
2016 Side-lobe reduction of horn antenna using circular patch mushroom-like EBG structure
Hongnara, T.; Schraml, K.; Chaimool, S.; Akkaraekthalin, P.; Heberling, D.
Conference Paper
2016 Cross-polarized multi-channel W-band radar for turbulent flow velocity measurements
Jaeschke, T.; Bredendiek, C.; Kueppers, S.; Schulz, C.; Baer, C.; Pohl, N.
Conference Paper
2016 Distributed physical sensors network for the protection of critical infrastractures against physical attacks
Jarabo-Amores, M.P.; Rosa-Zurera, M.; Mata-Moya, D. de la; Capria, A.; Saverino, A.L.; Callegari, C.; Berizzi, F.; Samczynski, P.; Kulpa, K.; Ummenhofer, M.; Kuschel, H.; Meta, A.; Placidi, S.; Lukin, K.; D'Amore, G.
Conference Paper
2016 On-line measurement using radar: A new revolution in process automation?
Jelali, M.; Zander, D.; Nußler, D.
Journal Article
2016 Detection of UAVs using the MIMO radar MIRA-CLE Ka
Klare, Jens; Biallawons, Oliver; Cerutti-Maori, Delphine
Conference Paper
2016 Antennentechnologie und elektromagnetische Modellierung
Knott, P.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2016 Introduction of a new vehicular test environment for validation of communication based systems
Kopacz, T.; Heberling, D.
Conference Paper
2016 Abteilung Passive und Störfeste Radarverfahren
Kuschel, H.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2016 Abteilung Radar zur Weltraumbeobachtung
Leushacke, L.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2016 An alternating projections algorithm for optimizing electromagnetic fields in regional hyperthermia
Liontas, C.A.; Knott, P.
Conference Paper
2016 Comparison of metal-backed free-space and open-ended coaxial probe techniques for the dielectric characterization of aeronautical composites
López-Rodríguez, P.; Escot-Bocanegra, D.; Poyatos-Martínez, D.; Weinmann, F.
Journal Article
2016 Analysis of a maximum likelihood phase estimation method for airborne multibaseline SAR interferometry
Magnard, C.; Frioud, M.; Small, D.; Brehm, T.; Meier, E.
Journal Article
2016 Coherent radar processing in sea clutter environments, part 1: Modelling and partially adaptive STAP performance
McDonald, M.K.; Cerutti-Maori, D.
Journal Article
2016 Coherent radar processing in sea clutter environments, part 2: Adaptive normalised matched filter versus adaptive matched filter performance
McDonald, M.K.; Cerutti-Maori, D.
Journal Article
2016 Enhanced physical layer security using monopulse antennas
Narbudowicz, A.; Schraml, K.; Ammann, M.; Heberling, D.
Conference Paper
2016 Switchless Reconfigurable Antenna with 360° Steering
Narbudowicz, A.; Ammann, M.J.; Heberling, D.
Journal Article
2016 Integration of antennas with sun-tracking solar panels
Narbudowicz, A.; Oconchubhair, O.; Ammann, M.J.; Heberling, D.
Journal Article
2016 Low-cost directional modulation for small wireless sensor nodes
Narbudowicz, A.; Heberling, D.; Ammann, M.J.
Conference Paper
2016 Impact of lossy feed on S-parameter based envelope correlation coefficient
Narbudowicz, A.; Ammann, M.J.; Heberling, D.
Conference Paper
2016 Systematic approach to inhomogeneous linear arrays
Narbudowicz, A.; Heberling, D.; Ammann, M.J.
Conference Paper
2016 MIRANDA 35 GHz SAR based change detection
Noetel, D.; Kloeppel, F.; Sieger, S.; Janssen, D.; Pohl, N.
Conference Paper
2016 Detection of MAVs (Micro Aerial Vehicles) based on millimeter wave radar
Noetel, D.; Johannes, W.; Caris, M.; Hommes, A.; Stanko, S.
Conference Paper
2016 3D imaging system based on a MIMO approach at 360GHz for security screening
Nowok, S.; Herschel, R.; Zimmermann, R.; Shoykhetbrod, A.; Lang, S.A.; Pohl, N.
Conference Paper
2016 Innovative technologies as enabler for sorting of black plastics
Nüßler, Dirk; Gruna, R.; Brandt, Christian; Küter, A.; Längle, Thomas; Kieninger, Michael; Pohl, N.
Conference Paper
2016 Airborne SAR on circular trajectories to reduce layover and shadow effects of urban scenes
Palm, S.; Sommer, R.; Pohl, N.; Stilla, U.
Conference Paper
2016 Ultra-high resolution SAR in lower terahertz domain for applications in Mobile Mapping
Palm, S.; Sommer, R.; Caris, M.; Pohl, N.; Tessmann, Axel; Stilla, U.
Conference Paper
2016 Mobile mapping by fmcw synthetic aperture radar operating at 300 GHZ
Palm, S.; Sommer, R.; Hommes, A.; Pohl, N.; Stilla, U.
Conference Paper
2016 Hardware design and realization of transmit and receive paths for the imaging MIMO radar of the radar warning and information system RAWIS
Panhuber, R.; Biallawons, O.; Klenke, R.; Klare, J.
Conference Paper
2016 System concept for the imaging MIMO radar of the radar warning and information system RAWIS
Panhuber, Reinhard; Klenke, Robert; Biallawons, Oliver; Klare, Jens
Conference Paper
2016 Integrierte SiGe Schaltungen für die Radartechnik
Pohl, N.
Conference Paper
2016 Millimeterwellenradar - reif für den Einsatz
Pohl, N.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2016 Analysis of radar sea clutter data acquired during the MARLENE measurement campaign
Poisson, J.-B.; Förster, J.; Böhler, C.O.; Gallus, M.; Ulland, A.; Biegel, G.; Brehm, T.; Danklmayer, A.; Hurtaud, Y.
Conference Paper
2016 Compressed sensing for the detection of moving targets from short sequences of pulses: Special section "sparse reconstruction in remote sensing"
Prünte, L.
Conference Paper
2016 Compressed sensing for removing moving target artifacts and reducing noise in SAR images
Prünte, Ludger
Conference Paper
2016 Synthesis and design of narrowband bandpass filters in waveguide technique
Reible, S.; Herschel, R.; Brauns, R.; Nüßler, D.; Pohl, N.
Conference Paper
2016 One-step motion compensation algorithm for squinted SAR
Ribalta, A.
Conference Paper
2016 Microstrip-fed complementary Yagi-Uda antenna
Rodriguez-Ulibarri, P.; Bertuch, T.
Journal Article
2016 Experimental demonstration of metamaterials application for mitigating scan blindness in phased array antennas
Rodríguez-Ulibarri, P.; Crépin, T.; Martel, C.; Boust, F.; Falcone, F.; Löcker, C.; Herbertz, K.; Bertuch, T.; Dousset, T.; Martinaud, J.-P.; Maci, M.; Marcotegui, J.A.; Beruete, M.
Journal Article
2016 Bistatic imaging of linear structures for polarimetric ultrawideband radar
Röding, M.; Dallmann, T.; Thomä, R.S.; Heberling, D.
Conference Paper
2016 Lightweight and cost efficient spaceborn patch antenna
Schraml, K.; Wilke, R.; Heberling, D.; Narbudowicz, A.
Conference Paper
2016 Rapid patch antenna array design for a satcom-demonstrator
Schraml, K.; Wilke, R.; Heberling, D.
Conference Paper
2016 Advanced multipath clutter cancellation in OFDM-based passive radar systems
Schwark, C.; Cristallini, D.
Conference Paper
2016 Concept for a fast tracking 60 GHz 3D-radar using frequency scanning antennas
Shoykhetbrod, A.; Geibig, T.; Hommes, A.; Herschel, R.; Pohl, N.
Conference Paper
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