Publikationen 2015

Alle Publikationen 2015

Publication Type
2015 Compact controlled reception pattern antenna for interference mitigation tasks of global navigation satellite system receivers
Alshrafi, W.; Engel, U.; Bertuch, T.
Journal Article
2015 Millimeter-wave radar distance measurements in micro machining
Ayhan, S.; Thomas, S.; Kong, Nanxi; Scherr, S.; Pauli, M.; Jaeschke, T.; Wulfsberg, J.; Pohl, N.; Zwick, T.
Conference Paper
2015 Contactless detection of state parameter fluctuations of gaseous media based on an mm-wave FMCW radar
Baer, C.; Jaeschke, T.; Pohl, N.; Musch, T.
Journal Article
2015 Radiation of a source on a convex NURBS surface
Balasubramanian, M.; Toccafondi, A.; Maci, S.
Conference Paper
2015 Characterizing surface profiles utilizing mm-wave FMCW SAR imaging
Barowski, J.; Pohle, D.; Jaeschke, T.; Pohl, N.; Rolfes, I.
Conference Paper
2015 Nachhaltige Konzepte für die Weltraumüberwachung
Bartsch, Guido
Conference Paper
2015 Experimental validation of Kalman filter based tracking in passive radar systems
Baruzzi, A.; Bournaka, G.; Heckenbach, J.; Kuschel, H.
Conference Paper
2015 Size-limited Q-band circular switched parasitic array antenna with small elevation beamwidth
Bertuch, T.; Joseph, R.; Herbertz, K.
Journal Article
2015 Base station beamforming technique using multiple signal-to-interference plus noise ratio balancing criteria
Bournaka, G.; Rahulamathavan, Y.; Cumanan, K.; Lambotharan, S.; Lazarakis, F.
Journal Article
2015 Experimental validation of beamforming techniques for localization of moving target in passive radar
Bournaka, G.; Baruzzi, A.; Heckenbach, J.; Kuschel, H.
Conference Paper
2015 Kontinuierliche Reifenanalyse mittels Radar
Brauns, Ralf; Nüßler, Dirk; Pohl, Nils
2015 Block-sparse 3-D ISAR image reconstruction in a non-coherent multistatic scenario
Brisken, S.; Ender, J.
Conference Paper
2015 Synthetic aperture radar at millimeter wavelength for UAV surveillance applications
Caris, M.; Stanko, S.; Palm, S.; Sommer, R.; Pohl, N.
Conference Paper
2015 300 GHz radar for high resolution SAR and ISAR applications
Caris, M.; Stanko, S.; Palm, S.; Sommer, R.; Wahlen, A.; Pohl, N.
Conference Paper
2015 Millimeter wave radar for perimeter surveillance and detection of MAVs (Micro Aerial Vehicles)
Caris, M.; Johannes, W.; Stanko, S.; Pohl, N.
Conference Paper
2015 Range resolution improvement for multiple PCL radar systems on moving platforms
Cristallini, D.; Wojaczek, P.; Ummenhofer, M.
Conference Paper
2015 On the influence of the atmosphere on wideband space-borne SAR signal propagation and imaging
Danklmayer, A.
Conference Paper
2015 Propagation experiment in the littoral at 94 GHz
Danklmayer, A.; Sieger, S.
Conference Paper
2015 Millimeter wave propagation above the sea surface during the SQUIRREL campaign
Danklmayer, Andreas; Biegel, Gregor; Brehm, Thorsten; Sieger, Stefan; Förster, Jörg
Conference Paper
2015 An 80 GHz programmable frequency divider for wideband mm-Wave frequency ramp synthesis
Delden, M. van; Hasenaecker, G.; Pohl, Nils; Aufinger, K.; Musch, T.
Conference Paper
2015 Cognitive radar - enabling techniques for next generation radar systems
Ender, Joachim; Brüggenwirth, Stefan
Conference Paper
2015 Knowledge based ground moving target detection and tracking using sparse representation techniques
Ender, Joachim; Kohlleppel, Robert
Conference Paper
2015 Führende Forschung für Radarsysteme von morgen
Ender, Joachim
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2015 MARLENE: MediterraneAn RFC and sea cLutter ENvironmental Experiment
Fabbro, V.; Förster, J.; Biegel, G.; Böhler, C.O.; Gallus, M.; Ulland, A.; Brehm, T.; Marcellin, J.-P.; Boulanger, X.; Castanet, L.; Danklmayer, A.; Hurtaud, Y.
Conference Paper
2015 Theoretical Analysis of South-Staring Beampark Configurations for the TIRA System
Flegel, S.; Letsch, K.; Krag, H.
Journal Article
2015 Reevaluation of the MASTER-2009 MLI and H-10 Debris Modeling
Flegel, S.K; Vörsmann, P.; Schildknecht, T.
Conference Paper
2015 Implementation of a fast time-domain processor for FMCW synthetic aperture radar data
Frioud, M.; Wellig, P.; Stanko, S.; Meier, E.
Conference Paper
2015 Comparative study of miscellaneous methods applied to a benchmark, inlet scattering problem
Fromentin-Denoziere, B.; Simon, J.; Tzoulis, A.; Weinmann, F.; Anastassiu, H.T.; Bocanegra, D.E.; Martinez, D.P.; Recio, R.F.; Zdunek, A.
Journal Article
2015 A preliminary analysis of a sparse reconstruction based classification method applied to GPR data
Giovanneschi, F.; Gonzalez-Huici, M.A.
Conference Paper
2015 Channel correlation of SEA data for microwave radar systems
Gracheva, V.; Ender, J.
Conference Paper
2015 A SiGe differential 50 ps Gaussian pulse generator for sub-sampling TDR measurements
Hasenaecker, G.; Rein, H.-M.; Aufinger, K.; Pohl, N.; Musch, T.
Conference Paper
2015 Compensation of the range resolution degradation in a bistatic scenario and its influence on classification
Haumtratz, T.; Bieker, T.; Lindenmeier, S.
Conference Paper
2015 Passive radar based control of wind turbine collision warning for air traffic PARASOL
Heckenbach, Jörg; Kuschel, Heiner; Schell, Jochen; Ummenhofer, Martin
Conference Paper
2015 MIMO system for fast imaging at 90 GHz
Herschel, R.; Nowok, S.; Warok, P.; Zimmermann, R.; Lang, S.A.; Pohl, N.
Conference Paper
2015 Validation of EOSAR algorithms for blending of objects in SAR-scenes
Hough, Luke; Maresch, Anika; Stanko, Stephan; Frioud, Max; Wellig, Peter
2015 Scalable modular hardware platform for FPGA based industrial radar flowmeters
Jaeschke, T.; Imberg, P.; Zapke, M.; Hubner, M.; Pohl, N.
Conference Paper
2015 ScÜRad - a radar system for perimeter protection of critical infrastructure
Johannes, Winfried; Stanko, Stephan; Sommer, Rainer; Wilcke, Jörn
2015 Non-destructive permittivity measurement of thin dielectric sheets
Knott, P.; Perkuhn, R.
Conference Paper
2015 Association of detections using simultaneous monostatic and bistatic GMTI
Kohlleppel, R.; Cristallini, D.
Conference Paper
2015 Ground moving target tracking with space-time adaptive radar
Kohlleppel, Robert
Doctoral Thesis
2015 Signale trotzen Staub und Wasserdampf
Krebs, Christian; Gütgemann, Sabine; Nüßler, Dirk; Pohl, Nils; Fischer, Bettina; Krauthäuser, Horst
Journal Article
2015 ORDEM 3.0 and MASTER-2009 modeled debris population comparison
Krisko, P.H.; Flegel, S.; Matney, M.J.; Jarkey, D.R.; Braun, V.
Journal Article
2015 ORDEM 3.0 and MASTER-2009 modeled small debris population comparison
Krisko, P.H.; Flegel, S.; Matney, M.J.; Jarkey, D.; Braun, V.
Conference Paper
2015 Mitigation of rotor blade-flash masking in passive radar collision warning system PARASOL
Kuschel, Heiner; Hechenbach, Jörg; Ummenhofer, Martin
Conference Paper
2015 The impact of wind turbines on military radars
Kuschel, Heiner; Knott, Peter
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2015 3D SAR imaging for dry wall inspection using an 80 GHz FMCW radar with 25 GHz bandwidth
Lang, S.A.; Demming, M.; Jaeschke, T.; Noujeim, K.M.; Konynenberg, A.; Pohl, N.
Conference Paper
2015 3D mimo imaging at 360 GHZ for security screening
Lang, Stefan A.; Herschel, Reinhold; Nowok, Sandra; Zimmermann, Rüdiger; Pohl, Nils
Conference Paper
2015 Solid state vs. micro relay-switches employed in a circular switched parasitic array antenna
Loecker, C.; Landsberg, A.; Bertuch, T.
Conference Paper
2015 Statistical and spectral modelling of medium grazing angle coherent radar data
McDonald, M.; Cerutti-Maori, D.
Conference Paper
2015 Adaptive normalised matched filter performance in medium grazing angle sea clutter
McDonald, M.; Cerutti-Maori, D.
Conference Paper
2015 Radar Camouflage Assessment from Airborne Platforms
Nötel, Denis; Klöppel, Frank; Radecki, Krzysztof; Sieger, Stefan; Janssen, Daniel; Palm, Stephan; Stanko, Stephan; Caris, Michael
2015 Design of a 32 element rotman lens at 220 GHz with 20 GHz bandwidth
Nüßler, D.
Conference Paper
2015 High frequency line cameras for sorting applications
Nüßler, D.; Warok, P.; Pohl, N.
Conference Paper
2015 A fast rotating scanning approach for millimeter wave imaging
Nüßler, D.; Brauns, R.; Heinen, S.; Kose, S.; Pohl, N.
Conference Paper
2015 Challenges and potentials using multiaspect coverage of urban scenes by airborne SAR on circular trajectories
Palm, S.; Pohl, N.; Stilla, U.
Conference Paper
2015 Receiver platform motion estimation using terrestrial broadcast transmitters for passive radar
Palmer, J.; Summers, A.; Ummenhofer, Martin; Bournaka, Georgia; Palumbo, S.; Cristallini, Diego; Kuschel, Heiner
Conference Paper
2015 Opportunities and current drivers for passive radar research
Palmer, J.; Cristallini, D.; Kuschel, H.
Conference Paper
2015 An ultra-high resolution radar-system operating at 300 GHz
Pohl, N.; Stanko, S.; Caris, M.; Tessmann, A.; Schlechtweg, M.
Conference Paper
2015 An AESA antenna comprising an RF feeding network with strongly coupled antenna ports
Porras, M.J.P.; Bertuch, T.; Loecker, C.; Adams, R.; Wunderlich, R.; Heinen, S.
Journal Article
2015 GMTI on short sequences of pulses with compressed sensing
Prünte, Ludger
Conference Paper
2015 Deriving the spacecraft criticality from Monte-Carlo simulations of the space debris environment
Radtke, J.; Flegel, S.; Roth, S.; Krag, H.
Conference Paper
2015 Impact of eccentricity build-up and graveyard disposal strategies on MEO navigation constellations
Radtke, J.; Domínguez- González, R.; Flegel, S.; Sánchez-Ortiz, N.; Merz, K.
Journal Article
2015 MMW Radar with Highest Resolution
Stanko, Stephan; Palm, Stephan; Sommer, Rainer; Caris, M.
2015 Comparison of inductor types for phase noise optimized oscillators in SiGe at 34 GHz
Thomas, S.; Bredendiek, C.; Pohl, N.
Conference Paper
2015 Zero-IF radar signal processing
Turso, Stefano; Bertuch, Thomas
Conference Paper
2015 Doppler estimation for DVB-T based passive radar systems on moving maritime platforms
Ummenhofer, M.; Schell, J.; Heckenbach, J.; Kuschel, H.; O'Hagan, D.W.
Conference Paper
2015 Improving bandwidth of planar microstrip patch array antennas
Valavan, S.E.; Knott, P.
Conference Paper
2015 A planar dual-band symmetric comb-slot-loaded phased array antenna
Valavan, S.E.; Tran, D.; Yarovoy, A.G.
Journal Article
2015 An improved 3-D near-field ISAR imaging technique with extended far-field RCS extraction
Vaupel, T.
Conference Paper
2015 Morphological component analysis in SAR images to improve the generalization of ATR systems
Wagner, Simon
Conference Paper
2015 A novel ultra-wideband 80 GHz FMCW radar system for contactless monitoring of vital signs
Wang, S.; Pohl, A.; Jaeschke, T.; Czaplik, M.; Köny, M.; Leonhardt, S.; Pohl, N.
Conference Paper
2015 Gyrocopter-based remote sensing platform
Weber, I.; Jenal, A.; Kneer, C.; Bongartz, J.
Conference Paper
2015 PANTIR - a dual camera setup for precise georeferencing and mosaicing of thermal aerial images
Weber, I.; Jenal, A.; Kneer, C.; Bongartz, J.
Conference Paper
2015 Der Tragschrauber als Sensorplattform für die Fernerkundung
Weber, I.; Kneer, C.; Jenal, A.; Bongartz, J.
Conference Paper
2015 Einsatz einer bildgebenden Hyperspektralkamera in einem Tragschrauber
Weber, I.; Kneer, C.; Jenal, A.; Bongartz, J.
Conference Paper
2015 Time-variant scattering properties of wind turbines
Weinmann, F.; Worms, J.G.
Conference Paper
2015 Simulation of radar signatures of arbitrary airborne targets
Weinmann, Frank
2015 Passive wireless local area network radar network using compressive sensing technique
Weiß, M.
Journal Article
2015 Multi scatterer detection within tomographic SAR using a compressive sensing approach
Weiß, Matthias; Fornaro, Gianfranco; Reale, D.
Conference Paper
2015 A 24 GHz signal generator with 30.8 dBm output power based on a power amplifier with 24.7 dBm output power and 31% PAE in SiGe
Welp, B.; Noujeim, K.; Pohl, N.
Conference Paper
2015 Additional orbital fragmentation events
Wiedemann, C.; Flegel, S.; Kebschull, C.
Conference Paper
2015 Hybrid person detection and tracking in H.264/AVC video streams
Wojaczek, Philipp; Laumer, M.; Amon, P.; Hutter, A.; Kaup, A.
Conference Paper
2015 Signal classification for radar reconnaissance
Worms, Josef G.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2015 Signalklassifizierung für die Radaraufklärung
Worms, Josef G.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2015 Fraunhofer-Institut für Hochfrequenzphysik und Radartechnik. Jahresbericht 2014
Annual Report
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