Publikationen 2014

Alle Publikationen 2014

Publication Type
2014 TeraSCREEN: Multi-frequency multi-mode Terahertz screening for border checks
Alexander, N.E.; Alderman, B.; Allona, F.; Frijlink, P.; Gonzalo, R.; Hägelen, M.; Ibáñez, A.; Krozer, V.; Langford, M.L.; Limiti, E.; Platt, D.; Schikora, M.; Wang, H.; Weber, M.A.
Conference Paper
2014 Contactless determination of gas concentration and pressure based on a low jitter mmWave FMCW radar
Baer, C.; Musch, T.; Jaeschke, T.; Pohl, N.
Conference Paper
2014 A mm wave measuring procedure for mass flow monitoring of pneumatic conveyed bulk materials
Baer, C.; Jaeschke, T.; Mertmann, P.; Pohl, N.; Musch, T.
Journal Article
2014 Including high-frequency surface diffraction in a hybrid FEBI- MLFMM-UTD method
Balasubramanian, M.; Toccafondi, A.; Maci, S.
Conference Paper
2014 Realization and calibration of the MIMO radar MIRA-CLE Ka
Biallawons, O.; Klare, J.; Saalmann, O.
Journal Article
2014 Person localization by detection of breathing with the MIMO radar MIRA-CLE Ka
Biallawons, O.; Klare, J.
Conference Paper
2014 Array pattern synthesis techniques for circular array of antennas for passive radar applications
Bournaka, G.; O'Hagan, D.W.; Kuschel, H.
Conference Paper
2014 Motion estimation and imaging with a multistatic ISAR system
Brisken, S.; Martorella, M.; Mathy, T.; Wasserzier, C.; Worms, J.G.; Ender, J.H.G.
Journal Article
2014 Multistatic ISAR
Brisken, S.
Conference Paper
2014 Multistatic ISAR autofocus with an image entropy-based technique
Brisken, S.; Martorella, M.
Journal Article
2014 Entwicklung einer kognitiven Systemarchitektur mit zentraler Ontologie und spezifischen Algorithmen
Brüggenwirth, S.
Doctoral Thesis
2014 Radiometric active indoor imaging in the W-band
Canavero, M.; Murk, A.; Mätzler, C.; Nötel, D.; Huck, J.
Journal Article
2014 mm-Wave SAR demonstrator as a test bed for advanced solutions in microwave imaging
Caris, M.; Stanko, S.; Malanowski, M.; Samczynski, P.; Kulpa, K.; Leuther, A.; Tessmann, A.
Journal Article
2014 Very high resolution radar at 300 GHz
Caris, M.; Stanko, S.; Wahlen, A.; Sommer, R.; Wilcke, J.; Pohl, N.; Leuther, A.; Tessmann, A.
Conference Paper
2014 Aufklärung mit Millimeterwellen auf kleinen Flugplattformen
Caris, M.
Conference Paper
2014 Millimeter wave SAR for UAV-based remote sensing
Caris, M.; Stanko, S.
Conference Paper
2014 Microwave tomography enhanced Forward Looking GPR: A feasibility analysis
Catapano, I.; Soldovieri, F.; Gonzalez-Huici, M.
Conference Paper
2014 Performance assessment of a microwave tomographic approach for the forward looking radar configuration
Catapano, I.; Soldovieri, F.; Gonzalez-Huici, M.A.
Journal Article
2014 Signal reconstruction with range migration correction for high-resolution wide-swath SAR systems
Cerutti-Maori, D.; Klare, J.; Sikaneta, I.; Gierull, C.
Conference Paper
2014 MIMO SAR processing for multichannel high-resolution wide-swath radars
Cerutti-Maori, D.; Sikaneta, I.; Klare, J.; Gierull, C.H.
Journal Article
2014 High-resolution wide-swath SAR processing with compressed sensing
Cerutti-Maori, D.; Prunte, L.; Sikaneta, I.; Ender, J.
Conference Paper
2014 Detection and imaging of moving objects with high-resolution wide-swath SAR systems
Cerutti-Maori, D.; Sikaneta, I.; Gierull, C.
Conference Paper
2014 Direction of arrival estimation performance comparison of dual cancelled channels space-time adaptive processing techniques
Colone, F.; Cristallini, D.; Cerutti-Maori, D.; Lombardo, P.
Journal Article
2014 SAR-GMTI enhanced with simultaneous monostatic and bistatic detections
Cristallini, D.; Walterscheid, I.
Conference Paper
2014 Blind spot mitigation in phased array antenna using metamaterials
Crépin, T.; Martel, C.; Gabard, B.; Boust, F.; Martinaud, J.-P.; Dousset, T.; Rodriguez-Ulibarri, P.; Beruete, M.; Loecker, C.; Bertuch, T.; Marcotegui, J.A.; Maci, S.
Conference Paper
2014 Weltraumlage-Erfassung mit Radar
Ender, J.
Conference Paper
2014 Advanced antenna concepts and experimental setups for DOA and tracking at Fraunhofer FHR
Ender, J.; Knott, P.; Brenner, A.; Klare, J.; Vaupel, T; Worms, J.; Wilden, H.
Conference Paper
2014 Multi-layer insulation as contribution to orbital debris
Flegel, S.
Doctoral Thesis
2014 Super-resolution ISAR imaging of maritime targets using PAMIR data
Fontana, A.; Berens, P.
Conference Paper
2014 Processing of MIRANDA35 FMCW-SAR data using a time-domain algorithm
Frioud, Max; Wahlen, Alfred; Wellig, Peter
Conference Paper
2014 Improved SAR-GMTI via optimized Crame-Rao Bound
Gierull, C.; Sikaneta, I.; Cerutti-Maori, D.
Conference Paper
2014 Sparse Representation Based Classification of GPR Data
Giovanneschi, F.; Gonzalez-Huici, M.A.
Conference Paper
2014 A comparative study of GPR reconstruction approaches for landmine detection
Gonzalez-Huici, M.A.; Catapano, I.; Soldovieri, F.
Journal Article
2014 Multichannel analysis of medium grazing angle sea clutter
Gracheva, V.; Ender, J.
Conference Paper
2014 Guidelines for the design of ultra-thin microwave absorbers
Hamid, S.; Heberling, D.
Conference Paper
2014 Ultra low noise signal synthesis for the use in a FMCW MIMO radar system
Hasenaecker, G.; Storch, R.; Musch, T.; Pohl, N.
Conference Paper
2014 A Fast Tracking 60 GHz Radar Using A Frequency Scanning Antenna
Hommes, A.; Shoykhetbrod, A.; Pohl, N.
Conference Paper
2014 Microfluidic beamscanning optical leaky-wave antenna concept
Jacome-Munoz, J.J.; Gomez-Diaz, J.S.; Alvarez-Melcon, A.; Garcia-Vigueras, M.; Perruisseau-Carrier, J.
Conference Paper
2014 A tapered CRLH mushroom-like leaky wave antenna with reduced sidelobe level
Jacome-Munoz, J.J.; Gomez-Diaz, J.S.; Perruisseau-Carrier, J.; Alvarez-Melcon, A.
Conference Paper
2014 3D FMCW SAR Imaging based on a 240 GHz SiGe Transceiver Chip with Integrated Antennas
Jaeschke, T; Bredendiek, C.; Pohl, N.
Conference Paper
2014 High precision D-band FM - CW-radar sensor based on a wideband SiGe-transceiver MMIC
Jaeschke, T.; Bredendiek, C.; Küppers, S.; Pohl, N.
Journal Article
2014 SiGe-MMIC based D-Band Radar for Accurate FMCW Multi-Target Vibration Measurements
Jaeschke, T.; Bredendiek, C.; Pohl, N.
Conference Paper
2014 Implementation of a 35 GHz SAR sensor and a high resolution camera to enable real-time observation
Johannes, Winfried; Stanko, Stephan; Wahlen, Alfred; Sommer, Rainer; Pohl, Nils; Wellig, Peter; Sennhauser, Christian; Meier, Erich; Kallfass, Ingmar
Conference Paper
2014 Relative Navigation to Non-Cooperative Targets in LEO
Kahle, R.; Weigel, M.; Kirschner, M.; Spiridonova, S.; Kahr, E.; Letsch, K.
Journal Article
2014 Disaster Management with the MIMO Radar MIRA-CLE Ka
Klare, J.; Biallawons, O.
Conference Paper
2014 STAP techniques for real-time processing in heterogeneous clutter
Klemm, R.; Cristallini, D.
Conference Paper
2014 Millimeter Wave Scanning Imaging System
Krebs, Christian; Nüßler, Dirk; Nickel, Hans-Ulrich
2014 Passive radar components of ARGUS 3D
Kuschel, H.; Ummenhofer, M.; Lombardo, P.; Colone, F.; Bongioanni, C.
Journal Article
2014 Passiv Radar, Zielortung und Radarsignalerfassung
Kuschel, H.
Conference Paper
2014 Einfluss von Windenergieanlagen auf militärische Radare
Kuschel, Heiner; Knott, Peter
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2014 Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur Detektion von Flugobjekten im Umkreis von Windkraftanlagen
Kuschel, Heiner
2014 A modular implementation of the boundary integral method for dielectric bodies using electromagnetic duality
Liontas, C.A.
Conference Paper
2014 Forschungsdienstleister in Open-Innovation Projekten
Lorenz, Frank Paul
2014 Processing of MEMPHIS Ka-band multibaseline interferometric SAR data
Magnard, C.; Frioud, M.; Small, D.; Brehm, T.; Essen, H.; Meier, E.
Journal Article
2014 Land and sea clutter from FM-based passive bistatic radars
Malanowski, M.; Haugen, R.; Greco, M.S.; O'Hagan, D.W.; Plsek, R.; Bernard, A.
Journal Article
2014 Ground Target Tracking with Experimental Data of the PAMIR System
Mertens, M.; Kohlleppel, R.
Conference Paper
2014 Luggage Scanning at 80 GHz for Harbor Environments
Moll, J.; Krotzer, V.; Zimmermann, R.; Rolef, B.; Salman, R.; Jaeschke, T.; Pohl, N.
Conference Paper
2014 An active personal screening method at 360 GHz based on an FMCW-MIMO approach - A TeraSCREEN subsystem
Nowok, S.; Hägelen, M.; Nöthen, D.; Lang, S.
Conference Paper
2014 THz imaging for recycling of black plastics
Nüßler, Dirk; Pohl, N.; Küls, J.; Hein, Kristine; Stein, Daniel
Conference Paper
2014 Wideband antenna array for Digital Video Broadcast terrestrial-based passive bistatic radar applications
O'Hagan, D.W.; Schröder, M.; Basavarajappa, V.; Knott, P.; Kuschel, H.; Simeoni, M.
Journal Article
2014 Real-Time Onboard Processing and Ground Based Monitoring of FMCW-SAR Videos
Palm, S.; Wahlen, A.; Stanko, S.; Pohl, N.; Wellig, P.; Stilla, U.
Conference Paper
2014 Monitoring weitreichender Gebiete durch SAR-Video Echtzeitprozessierung auf Kleinflugzeugen
Palm, S.; Johannes, W.; Pohl, N.; Stilla, U.
Conference Paper
2014 Experimental interference analysis of an S-band AESA antenna demonstrator
Pamies, M.; Bertuch, T.
Conference Paper
2014 Detection performance of GMTI from SAR images with CS
Prünte, L.
Conference Paper
2014 GMTI from SAR images under off-grid considerations
Prünte, L.
Conference Paper
2014 Digital terrestrial video broadcast interference suppression in forward-looking ground penetrating radar systems
Rial, F.I.; Mendez-Rial, R.; Lawadka, L.; Gonzalez-Huici, M.A.
Journal Article
2014 On the effects of the atmospheric refractive index on airborne SAR
Ribalta, A.
Conference Paper
2014 Chirp scaling algorithm using the least-squares approximation
Ribalta, A.
Conference Paper
2014 Investigations on OFDM Signal for Range Ambiguity Suppression in SAR Configuration
Riche, V.; Meric, S.; Baudais, J.Y.; Pottier, E.
Journal Article
2014 Adaptive waveform design for imaging MIMO radar systems
Riche, V.; Klare, J.; Cerutti-Maori, D.
Conference Paper
2014 Adaptive waveform design based on optimisation algorithm
Riche, V.; Klare, J.; Cerutti-Maori, D.
Conference Paper
2014 Metaradome for blind spot mitigation in phased-array antennas
Rodriguez-Ulibarri, P.; Beruete, M.; Falcone, F.; Crepin, T.; Martel, C.; Boust, F.; Loecker, T.; Herbertz, K.; Salzburg, C.; Bertuch, T.; Martinaud, J.- P.; Dousset, T.; Marcotegui, J.A.
Conference Paper
2014 Evaluation of the ambiguity function for passive radar with OFDM transmissions
Searle, S.; Palmer, J.; Davis, L.; O'Hagan, D.W.; Ummenhofer, M.
Conference Paper
2014 Measurement of an active radar module in a compact antenna test range
Shakhtour, H.; Heberling, D.; Noujeim, K.; Gerhardes, F.; Knott, P.
Journal Article
2014 A Scanning FMCW-Radar System for the Detection of Fast Moving Objects
Shoykhetbrod, A.; Hommes, A.; Pohl, N.
Conference Paper
2014 Comparison of multi-channel high-resolution wide-swath SAR processing methods
Sikaneta, I.; Cerutti- Maori, D.; Klare, J.; Gierull, C.
Conference Paper
2014 Enhancing global maritime domain awareness through SAR with multiple apertures
Sikaneta, I.; Gierull, C.H.; Cerutti-Maori, D.
Conference Paper
2014 Optimum signal processing for multichannel SAR: With application to high-resolution wide-swath imaging
Sikaneta, I.; Gierull, C.H.; Cerutti-Maori, D.
Journal Article
2014 Method for the Analysis of Bumpers as Dielectric Slab Waveguides in Automotive Radar Applications
Stolle, U.E.; Tejero, S.; Dallmann, T.; Heberling, D.
Conference Paper
2014 On-board SAR data processing and visualization for PAMIR
Valerio Minero, O.; Kästner, B.; Ribalta, A.; Berens, P.
Conference Paper
2014 Design of end-fire substrate integrated waveguide antenna elements using in-house planar
Vaupel, T.
Conference Paper
2014 Q-band millimeter-wave antennas
Vilar, R.; Czarny, R.; Lee, M.-S.L.; Loiseaux, B.; Sypek, M.; Makowski, M.; Martel, C.; Crepin, T.; Boust, F.; Joseph, R.; Herbertz, K.; Bertuch, T.; Marti, J.
Journal Article
2014 Smart antennas and front end modules in Q-band for backhaul networks
Vilar, R.; Marti, J.; Czarny, R.; Sypek, M.; Makowski, M.; Martel, C.; Crépin, T.; Boust, F.; Joseph, R.; Herbertz, K.; Bertuch, T.; LeFevre, A.; Magne, F.
Journal Article
2014 Combination of convolutional feature extraction and support vector machines for radar ATR
Wagner, S.
Conference Paper
2014 High-frequency electromagnetic simulation of wind turbines in realistic scenarios and approximation techniques for reducing the complexity of computations
Weinmann, F.
Conference Paper
2014 Adaptive multi-level uniform space partitioning algorithm for high-frequency electromagnetics simulations based on ray tracing
Weinmann, F.
Conference Paper
2014 Accurate prediction of EM scattering by wind turbines
Weinmann, F.
Conference Paper
2014 Foreword to the special section on compressive sensing applied to radar
Weiss, M.; Ender, J.; Rauhut, H.; Schirinzi, G.; Strohmer, T.; Willett, P.
Journal Article
2014 Passive surveillance radar using compressive sensing
Weiß, M.
Conference Paper
2014 Compressive sensing for passive surveillance radar using DAB signals
Weiß, M.
Conference Paper
2014 Wideband DOA estimation using spiral antennas
Worms, J.; Vaupel, T.
Conference Paper
2014 Fraunhofer-Institut für Hochfrequenzphysik und Radartechnik. Jahresbericht 2013
Annual Report
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