Workshop  /  07. November 2017

EDA-Workshop »Radar Signatures & EM Benchmarks« 2017

Scope of the Workshop:

The workshop aims at bringing together scientific experts in the field of electromagnetic scattering simulations, specifically in the context of radar signatures. A few months prior to the workshop, several test cases will be published, which will serve as benchmarks to compare results obtained by different simulation codes.



The participation in the workshop will be limited to those institutions which contribute to at least one test case (partial solution of test cases is permitted).


Participating Nations:

Participation in the workshop is limited to EDA participating Member States (pMS).


Deadline to send Simulation Results by Email to the Chairmen of each Test Case:

24 October 2017


Terms of Participation:

It is understood that the comparison of simulation data among simulation software from different institutions is a sensitive issue. Therefore, the following terms apply to the simulation data:

  • The presentations and comparisons shown at the workshop will be distributed only among the participants.
  • Further dissemination of simulation data or presentations/comparisons is not allowed.
  • Each participant holds (and keeps) ownership of his simulation data.
  • The permission to use other participants' simulation data for any purpose not related to presentations at this workshop can only be granted by the owner of the data.
  • The participation to the workshop will be limited to those institutions which contribute to at least one test case (partial solution of test cases is permitted).

By participating in this workshop, each participant agrees to the above terms.


Points of Contact:

Roland Krebs



Frank Weinmann

Fraunhofer FHR