Publikationen 2021

Veröffentlichungen in referenzierten Zeitschriften 2021

Publication Type
2021 Choice of the parameters in a primal-dual algorithm for Bregman iterated variational regularization
Altuntac, E.
Journal Article
2021 Dual Cancelled Channel STAP for Target Detection and DOA Estimation in Passive Radar
Blasone, G.P.; Colone, F.; Lombardo, P.; Wojaczek, P.; Cristallini, D.
Journal Article
2021 Passive Radar STAP detection and DoA estimation under antenna calibration errors
Blasone, Giovanni Paolo; Colone, Fabiola; Lombardo, Pierfrancesco; Wojaczek, Philipp; Cristallini, Diego
Journal Article
2021 Jet collimation in NGC 315 and other nearby AGN
Boccardi, B.; Perucho, M.; Casadio, C.; Grandi, P.; MacConi, D.; Torresi, E.; Pellegrini, S.; Krichbaum, T.P.; Kadler, M.; Giovannini, G.; Karamanavis, V.; Ricci, L.; Madika, E.; Bach, U.; Ros, E.; Giroletti, M.; Zensus, J.A.
Journal Article
2021 Effects of Movement for High Time-Bandwidths in Batched Pulse Compression Range-Doppler Radar
Bok, D.; O'Hagan, D.; Knott, P.
Journal Article
2021 Geometry-Induced Acceleration in case of a Straight-Line Target Trajectory in Bistatic Radar
Bok, Dominik
Journal Article
2021 Theoretical foundations of deep learning
Brüggenwirth, S.; Wagner, S.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2021 Results on Super-Resolution and Target Identification Techniques from the SPERI Project
Brüggenwirth, Stefan; Wagner, Simon; Bieker, Tanja; Battisti, Nicola; Rispoli, Vincenzo; Greco, Mario; Pinelli, Gianpaolo; Cataldo, Davide; Martorella, Marco
Journal Article
2021 Miniaturisiertes Millimeterwellen SAR auf kleinen Flugplattformen
Caris, Michael
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2021 Dealing with co-channel interference in multi-channel airborne passive radar
Cristallini, D.; Summers, A.; Wojaczek, P.; Young, R.; O'Hagan, D.
Journal Article
2021 Nested open books and the binding sum
Durst, S.; Klukas, M.
Journal Article
2021 Rotation numbers and the euler class in open books
Durst, S.; Kegel, M.; Licata, J.E.
Journal Article
2021 Observing Water Surface Temperature from Two Different Airborne Platforms over Temporarily Flooded Wadden Areas at the Elbe Estuary
Fricke, K.; Baschek, B.; Jenal, A.; Kneer, C.; Weber, I.; Bongartz, J.; Wyrwa, J.; Schöl, A.
Journal Article
2021 Counter-Interception and Counter-Exploitation Features of Noise Radar Technology
Galati, G.; Pavan, G.; Savci, K.; Wasserzier, C.
Journal Article
2021 Noise Radar Technology: Waveforms Design and Field Trials
Galati, G.; Pavan, G.; Savci, K.; Wasserzier, C.
Journal Article
2021 Quantum Illumination with Multiple Entangled Photons
Gallego Torromé, R.
Journal Article
2021 A Compact Harmonic Radar System with Active Tags at 61/122 GHz ISM Band in SiGe BiCMOS for Precise Localization
Hansen, S.; Bredendiek, C.; Briese, G.; Pohl, N.
Journal Article
2021 Dimension-Reduced Rx Beamforming Optimized for Simultaneous Detection and Estimation
Neuberger, Nadav; Vehmas, Risto; Ender, Joachim
Journal Article
2021 A Costas-Based Waveform for Local Range-Doppler Sidelobe Level Reduction
Neuberger, Nadav; Vehmas, Risto
Journal Article
2021 Terahertz-basierte zerstörungsfreie Prüfung (ZfP). Das Unsichtbare sichtbar machen
Nüßler, D.; Jonuscheit, J.
Journal Article
2021 3-D point cloud generation from airborne single-pass and single-channel circular SAR data
Palm, S.; Stilla, U.
Journal Article
2021 DVB-S Based Passive Polarimetric ISAR - Methods and Experimental Validation
Pisciottano, Iole; Santi, Fabrizio; Pastina, Debora; Cristallini, Diego
Journal Article
2021 Development of a millimetre wave based SAR real-time imaging system for three-dimensional non-destructive testing
Schwäbig, C.; Wang, S.; Gütgemann, S.
Journal Article
2021 Improving magnetic resonance imaging with smart and thin metasurfaces
Stoja, E.; Konstandin, S.; Philipp, D.; Wilke, R.N.; Betancourt, D.; Bertuch, T.; Jenne, J.; Umathum, R.; Günther, M.
Journal Article
2021 Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging: A Historical Perspective and State-of-the-Art Survey
Vehmas, R.; Neuberger, N.
Journal Article
2021 Deep neural network design for SAR/ISAR-based automatic target recognition
Wagner, S.; Brüggenwirth, S.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2021 A Three-Stage Inter-Channel Calibration Approach for Passive Radar on Moving Platforms Exploiting the Minimum Variance Power Spectrum
Wojaczek, P.; Cristallini, D.; O'Hagan, D.W.; Colone, F.; Blasone, G.P.; Lombardo, P.
Journal Article
2021 Digital pattern synthesis with a compact MIMO antenna of half-wavelength diameter
Zandamela, A.; Schraml, K.; Chalermwisutkul, S.; Heberling, D.; Narbudowicz, A.
Journal Article
2021 Circularly Polarized Periodic Leaky-Wave Antenna Based on Dielectric Image Line for Millimeter-Wave Radar Applications
Zandamela, A.; Al-Bassam, A.; Heberling, D.
Journal Article
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