Annual Report 2023

Section Radar for Space Situational Awareness (RWL)

Interview on the new institute structure with Dr. rer. nat Lars Fuhrmann, Head of RWL section

© Fraunhofer FHR / Andreas Schoeps
With our radar sensors TIRA (Tracking and Imaging Radar) and GESTRA (German Experimental Space Surveillance and Tracking Radar), we contribute to securing space infrastructure.

Where do you see the institute in 5 years, and why is the market-oriented sectional structure the best way to achieve this?

I hope that in 5 years we will be a modern, efficient, and well-positioned, competitive institute based on solid finances. I see great potential in the new structure for other factors such as our networking, scientific approach, and Fraunhofer orientation. The new sectional structure is a good compromise, allowing necessary adjustments without overwhelming the institute.

What are the main goals the institute is pursuing with this?

It is important to make leadership more efficient, reduce the span of control, and make structures more manageable. This will enable us to position ourselves more strategically with our technologies and ensure market sustainability in line with Fraunhofer‘s mission, thus establishing a secure financial base.

Regarding your section: What is your vision? Where do you see your section in 5 years?

In the short to medium term, I would like to successfully merge the two worlds, GESTRA and TIRA. I want to bring them together so that we can develop a common perspective and explore new paths together once the GESTRA projects have been successfully completed over the next 5 to 10 years. Successfully completing the TIRA and GESTRA projects is, of course, the primary goal. Nevertheless, we have already started the strategic process for the new section to lay the groundwork for the coming years and establish a detailed roadmap. By then, the scientific collaboration between the »old worlds« should pay off, and I am optimistic about market synergies. Now that we have a broader base, I hope we can demonstrate initial successes in acquiring new and interesting projects in 5 years. I am particularly looking forward to exploring possibilities in the New Space market with Dr. Stephan Stanko as our business development manager.

How does the structural change optimize collaboration with our customers and partners?

We adhere to the »one face to the customer« principle. This makes us more visible as a unit in our sections. The customer can connect at one point, and from there, we proceed effectively to solve their problem. Conversely, our broader market positioning and combined expertise will make acquisitions significantly easier. By implementing the deployment principle and concurrently optimizing our processes, we will receive tailored support from administration, resulting in faster and more transparent contract finalizations, benefiting both sides.

Despite the need for change, where is Fraunhofer FHR successful? What can we build on, and what do we carry forward?

We are strong in defense research, space, and industrial solutions. We have many unique selling points and can offer solutions, providing a very solid foundation. Over the decades, we have built up a wealth of experience, which we must now channel anew due to the pressing external conditions to continue leveraging it profitably. For TIRA and GESTRA, I can also say that we have a high potential for identification with the work, the groups, the section, and the institute—an important component for the constructive, goal-oriented development of the new structures.

Finally, a personal question: What does this restructuring mean for you? What changes for you, and why are you taking on this challenge?

I strongly identify with the space sector, and I believe that an internal appointment to the role of section head by someone familiar with the internal workings makes sense. During my time here, especially since mid-2021 in the department head role, I have gained a good insight and have the impression that it can work very well. In my opinion, the environment in the space section is conducive to this. I have great respect for the position and the challenges posed by the restructuring, particularly the merging of TIRA and GESTRA during already challenging times for both major projects. These will be exciting, and perhaps somewhat uncertain times, but I am looking forward to the new opportunities and challenges. I hope there will be more leeway for the leadership team, including myself, to think outside the box and actively incorporate new ideas and topics into the section and institute strategy