
Our Newsletters: Sign up now!

We offer various newsletters. If you are generally interested in the institute's research activities, we recommend subscribing to our "Fraunhofer FHR Newsletter"

Fraunhofer FHR Newsletter / Press Releases

You will receive our newsletter every 3 months, providing information about current research projects and professional events at Fraunhofer FHR, as well as our daily press releases.

Fraunhofer-FHR Newsletter

Our new "Fraunhofer-FHR Newsletter" is published every 3 months. There, you will receive information about current research projects and professional events at Fraunhofer FHR.

Newletter 03/2025

The current issue include:

  • Waste4Future
  • Material characterization of coatings
  • The Future of Radar Space Observation in Europe – Major Upgrade of the Tracking and Imaging Radar (TIRA)

Newletter 12/2024

The current issue include:

  • Intelligent Skin for More Precise Communication and Near-Field Sensing in Robotics
  • Synchronizing Clocks on Moving Platforms 
  • NATO Measurement Campaign in Switzerland

Newletter 09/2024

The current issue include:

  • Person Scanner Detects Hidden Weapons
  • Avalanche Monitoring with Passive Radar
  • High-Resolution Radar Images of the Moon

Newletter 06/2024

The current issue include:

  • Improved Hypersonic Defense Procedures: Fraunhofer FHR Investigates Hypersonic Effects on Radar Signatures
  • Fraunhofer FHR observes ISS battery pack before re-entry
  • Foreign Objects in Frozen Pizza? SNIP Project Launched to Improve Quality Assurance of Frozen Products

Newletter 03/2024

The current issue include:

  • "Intelligent Skin" for more precise communication in robotics and other fields
  • GESTRA reliably detects Starlink satellites
  • Improved Reconnaissance Capabilities through Multidimensional Radar Imaging

Newletter 12/2023

The current issue include:

  • Radar technology detects mines in the ground
  • GESTRA EUSST takes off: Project milestone achieved
  • Increased efficiency through precise inline measurement: Radar technologies for the steel industry

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