Westin Waterfront Hotel, Boston / April 22, 2019 - April 26, 2019
IEEE Radar Confernce 2019
Revolution in Radar
Massachusetts USA
Revolution in Radar
Massachusetts USA
A radar revolution is underway, made possible by the rapid evolution of digital electronics, and powered by new innovative architectures, advanced components, novel waveforms and sophisticated processing techniques. Please join us in historic Boston, birthplace of the original American Revolution, as we continue this new revolution in radar technology. The beautiful Westin Waterfront hotel, located in the heart of Boston’s seaport district, will make the perfect venue for the international community as we meet to share the latest advances in radar. The conference will include three days of parallel technical sessions, and two days of tutorials with ample opportunity to interact with international radar experts from around the world.
Fraunhofer FHR is engaged in the research of new radar techniques and technologies using array antennas for space and ground observation. The major fields of work are the German Experimental Space Surveillance and Tracking Radar (GESTRA). Due to a new system concept it will be able to record precise orbit data from satellites and debris in low Earth orbit at a height between 300 and 3000 kilometers. The Ka-band Phased Array Multifunctional Imaging Radar (PAMIR-Ka) demonstrates novel methods and technologies in the Ka-band frequency domain for advanced airborne surveillance and reconnaissance.