At the end of December 2021, Dr. Stephan Palm, a member of the SAR and Algorithms @mmW group in the High Frequency Radar and Applications department, successfully defended his PhD thesis »Mapping of urban scenes by single-channel mmW FMCW SAR on circular flight and curved car trajectories« at the TU Munich. His doctoral supervisor was Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Stilla.
The thesis deals with the development of an airborne circular SAR system including new data processing methods, combined with high-resolution imaging of roads and facades (radar mobile mapping) and 3D point cloud extraction. Dr. Palm published the results in three journal papers and at various conferences. »I was able to show what is possible with a single-channel SAR system using circular geometry in the W-band: azimuth resolution down to 1 cm, height resolution down to 10 cm, and detection and visualization of moving targets such as people and vehicles. The biggest challenge was to develop a system capable of acquiring experimental 360° data in the W-band in the first place. For this purpose, among other things, companies had to be found that manufacture subcomponents of the special hardware. Likewise, processing the amount of data from the 3D point cloud was very challenging, i.e., setting up the processing chain and making it efficient,« says Dr. Palm.
Dr. Palm came to Fraunhofer FHR in 2011 after completing his studies in technical computer science at RWTH, and started his doctoral studies in 2013. »I can only report good things about my doctoral conditions at the institute: I had a high degree of creative freedom for my work, as its content fit very well with our projects. Department heads and colleagues always supported me and were always on hand with advice and support. The opportunity to attend conferences and exchange ideas with other universities was also ideal. For example, at the beginning of my doctorate, I had a 10-day stay at the University of Zurich as a start to SAR processing,« says Dr. Palm looking back.